Preparing for Inspiration

Every year about this time I wonder --is anyone coming?  Do I have all the details right?  Will I have enough volunteers?  Will everyone love it?  Then I ask myself another question which helps a lot:  "who is speaking?"  There is a part of my mind that thrives on fears and concerns and worries.  I call her Gladys.  Gladys is very useful sometimes, other times she is better off being quiet.  At times like this I call on that part of my heart and mind that knows when you offer a gift with your best intentions it will be received and the ripple effect while unseen and unknown will happen.  So as I prepare for INspiration Weekend for the fifth time, my Gladys voice gets quieter sooner and I feel a rush of hope, anticipation and wonder at what we will create together this year.  Im especially excited by some of our new workshops:  Laughter Yoga with Dian Hamilton, The Spiritual Practice of Disco with Rev's Ed and George, Healing Voices with Carolyn Waters and Radical Aging with Mary DeRocco.  I hope you plan to join us for one or all of our concerts and experiences. Oct 5-7 .  Register now.  Thank you!

christie hardwick